Expert Exam Preparation for Pilots Exams.

Exam Aids to help you pass your Aviation Authority Pilot Exams.

(CAA, EASA, CASA and more).

Exams are easier to pass when you know what to expect.
Our practice questions are similar to what you see in the actual exam.

  • Mock Exams

    Mock exams with randomly generated questions and correct answer positions for each subject and category. Test yourself with CAA style Mock Examinations with questions similar to what you will see in the actual exam. Questions are randomly selected for each subject/category.

  • Flexible self tests

    Our SQL database has a comprehesive list of over 19000 practice test questions and answers.
    Try a quick test?

  • Question Search

    Search for questions by subject, topic, word or phrase.

  • Save questions for review

    Flag (bookmark) any Mock Exam or Self Test question and return to them later for review.

  • Track Your Progress

    All Mock Exam and Self Study Results are saved in your own personal database in order for you to track your progress and subject knowledge.

Over 19000 questions from 29 Subjects consisting of 242 Categories for PPL, CPL, ATP, Integrated ATPL and Instrument Rating.

Up-to-date and relevant practice questions similar to what you would see in your Aviation Authorities written examinations.

(CAA, EASA, CASA and many more).

Private Pilot Licence (PPL)
Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)
Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL)
Integrated Airline Transport Pilot Licence (IATP)
Instrument Rating (IR)

We can help you prepare for the following written examinations:

Private Pilot Licence (PPL) Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL), Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) Integrated Airline Transport Pilot Licence (IATP) Instrument Rating (IR)

With up-to-date and relevant practice questions similar to what you would see in your Aviation Authorities written examinations.
(CAA, EASA, CASA and many more).

AvXamprep has a database of more than 19,000 multiple choice PPL, CPL, ATPL & IR exam questions updated regularly which allows you to test your knowledge across the whole syllabus with questions backed up with explanations, (CAA, EASA, CASA and many more).

Private Pilot Licence

Practice questions and realistic up to date mock examinations to help prepare you for the PPL(Private Pilot Licence) exam.

Up-to-date and relevant practice questions similar to what you would see in your Aviation Authorities written examinations.

1 x Month Subscription: $0.00

Commercial Pilot Licence

Practice questions and realistic up to date mock examinations pertaining to the CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence) syllabus.

This includes the IR(Operational Procedures) exam.

Airline Transport Pilot Licence

Practice questions and realistic up to date mock examinations pertaining to the ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot Licence) syllabus.

Integrated Airline Transport Pilot Licence

Some countries require an Integrate or frozen ATP. Here you will find realistic, up to date mock exam questions pertaining to the Integrated/Frozen ATPL. The subjects are on an ATP knowledge level and include Human Performance and Limitations, Navigation Plotting and Air Law. These CPL subjects form part of the Integrated/Frozen ATP.
The purpose of an Integrated is for students to train from PPL level to ATP level.The Integrated students will be writing all the ATP examinations, as well as Human Performance and Limitations, Air Law, and Navigation which are commercial exams.In study mode you will be presented with all questions pertaining to CPL as well as ATP level. The reason for this is as a training Commercial pilot you will need to understand all the topics for example stability and propellers which are not covered in the ATP examinations, as you will probably be training or building hours on propeller driven aircraft. The mock examinations will however only consist of ATP questions in preparing your for the CAA exam, as well as Human Performance and Limitations, Air Law, and Navigation which are commercial exams. This includes the new IR(Operational Procedures) exam.

Pass your Exam at the first attempt

AvXamprep has a database of more than 19,000 multiple choice PPL, CPL, ATPL & IR exam questions updated regularly which allows you to test your knowledge across the whole syllabus with questions backed up with explanations, (CAA, EASA, CASA and many more).

Instrument Rating

Realistic and up to date practice questions pertaining to the IR (Instrument Rating Operational Procedures) examination.

In some countries this is a separate exam.

Mock exams

Mock exams similar to what you would see in the actual Aviation Authorities written examinations.
Randomly generated CAA style examinations.
Control every aspect of your mock exams, subject or topic specific.

Flexible self tests.

Create your own tests with questions selected by Subject and Category. Manage your own questions by subject, topic or category from a database of over 19 000 questions.
You have full control over all your preparation questions. You have the option to create your own tests by Subject and Category with the number of questions selected by you starting from any question in that category. You can then view the number of questions you selected in sequential or random order.
Answers can be displayed after each question or on completion of the exercise.
You can flag any (bookmark) question you are not sure about and return to it later for review. All completed exercise results are recorded in order for you to track and monitor your progress.
The order of answers for each question is also randomly generated for this exercise.

Flag/Bookmark your questions for review

Flag (bookmark) questions and return to them later for review.
This will allow you to focus on specific areas that may need further study and review in order to increase your chances of passing the exam should you be required to answer a similar question in an exam.

Question Search

Question Search
Search for a question by subject, topic, word or phrase.